12th September 2016

How Dentures Can Restore Your Smile

Dental technology in Stourbridge has come a long way since dentures were kept in a glass beside the bed. These days, dentures are so discreet that you probably have acquaintances who wear them, but you just had no idea. We can now restore your smile with dental implants so you’re not just equipped with the practical means to eat and speak, but also your smile will look like your former, beautiful smile; consisting of a completely natural-looking set of teeth with no gaps, which you don’t have to remember to take out and put in.

How do dental implants work?

Unlike the old-style crowns which were fixed to a plate on traditional dentures, dental implants are individual replacement teeth in two parts. The titanium screw forms the root of your new tooth and is placed into the gum. Once the wound from the fitted implant has thoroughly healed, which can take up to a couple of months, a modern crown, which has been coloured matched to your teeth will be added to the top of the root.

What is the recovery time?

There may be a short period of adjustment immediately after having had the implant fitted at our Stourbridge practice, during which you’ll get used to the feeling of having a tooth where once there was a gap (or previously a painful natural tooth), but the novel sensation will settle down quickly. Many implant wearers report forgetting that they’ve even had it fitted. For a full set of permanent, new teeth, bridges and dentures can be anchored to as few as 6 dental implants, so don’t think you need to have all your teeth replaced with individual implants.

Why dental implants in Stourbridge are so good

Let’s take a look at what new implant-retained dentures won’t do, compared with the older traditional style dentures.

  • They won’t move around in your mouth. Your lower dentures are not simply sitting precariously on the jawbone, they are anchored onto it. Your implant dentures are held in with more than just suction, they are held in with titanium screws.
  • They won’t cause your jawbone to atrophy. Strictly speaking, it’s a lack of teeth that causes deterioration of the jawbone, not traditional dentures, but traditional dentures do nothing to help this deterioration process. Dental implants provide good bone support and stop your face from ageing prematurely.
  • They won’t stop you from eating the food you enjoy. You don’t have to limit yourself to soft food, but rather continue to eat a variety of textures.
  • You don’t have to listen to the annoying click sound associated with traditional dentures, or worry that others can hear it too.
  • You don’t have to train your cheeks and tongue to hold your dentures in place. The titanium screws do the job for you, making implant dentures effortless to wear.

If you’d like to find out more about how implant dentures look and feel, how we colour match them to any existing teeth you have, or whether you’re a suitable candidate for implant treatment, please give our friendly team of dental experts a call.

We’ll be happy to book an initial consultation with you to discuss your requirements and expectations with a view to restoring your smile.

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