12th September 2019

Invisalign FAQs

Being in some way unhappy with the condition of your smile can have a profoundly negative effect on your happiness. It is, after all, with our smile that we greet and respond to others – if we feel in some way self-conscious of the act, we may well refrain from doing it! The consequences can be far-reaching: it may damage our existing relationships or inhibit our ability to form new ones with others. Even purely on a physical level, it has repeatedly been demonstrated that the act of smiling can boost happiness levels and improve our sense of general well-being.

If you are suffering from crooked teeth or a misaligned smile, you may be considering some sort of teeth-straightening treatment. Invisalign has become hugely popular in recent years – and is becoming ever more popular – due to its ability to achieve amazing results while remaining virtually invisible. If you’re currently researching treatment options, you may well have considered Invisalign. Below we answer some of the most frequently answered questions regarding this amazing aligner.

What exactly are Invisalign aligners?

The aligners consist of two parts – an upper and lower tray – both of which are custom-fitted to the individual, ensuring maximum comfort. Like traditional metal braces, Invisalign aligners are an effective method of straightening your teeth – but this is where the similarities end. Invisalign aligners look nothing like traditional ‘train track’ braces – in fact, they can hardly be seen at all, and this is a major part of their appeal. Unlike those who wear traditional braces, Invisalign wearers are able to undergo treatment completely inconspicuously, with attention being drawn to nothing but the fantastic results!

What can clear aligners help treat?

No less than traditional braces, Invisalign is great for treating crooked teeth and a misaligned bite. Invisalign proudly boasts the aligner’s ability to fix overcrowding, gapped teeth, deep bites, and overbites.

Are Invisalign aligners removable?

Unlike their traditional counterpart, Invisalign aligners are not wired, and glued, to your teeth, and therefore can be removed when necessary. This might be when eating, when brushing your teeth, or when certain photo opportunities arise for which only the best smile will do. In their fit, Invisalign aligners are far more comparable to gum shields – though way more comfortable and far less unsightly!

Are Invisalign custom-made?

Absolutely. In order to ensure the most comfortable fit and effective treatment, all Invisalign aligners are moulded to each individual’s teeth. We do this using a highly advanced 3D iTero scanner.

Is Invisalign painful?

No, not at all. Whilst traditional braces are somewhat notorious for pushing and pulling your teeth into place using metal wires, and for being intermittently painful for the entire treatment duration, Invisalign aligners use a far more subtle approach. A series of custom-made aligners, each differing slightly from the other, will gradually and softly push your teeth into place throughout the treatment journey. The smooth, plastic material also means no aching teeth and no catching metal wires on the inside of your mouth!

If you’d like to know more about what Invisalign can do for you, please don’t hesitate to contact Lion Dental Centre today.

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