21st November 2020

Invisalign VS Fixed braces

Nowadays, there are more brace options for teens and adults than ever before – and with all that choice, it can seem overwhelming! Wherever you are in your teeth-straightening journey, our Stourbridge dentists want to help. In this post, we outline how the various types of braces weigh up against our favourite for orthodontic treatment: Invisalign.


patient with invisalign

Fixed braces, as the name suggests, are attached to your teeth and can only be removed by your dentist. Some of them involve brackets and wires (which can be problematic when your teeth move, as the wires can feel uncomfortable), while others can be securely fastened to the back of your teeth (lingual braces) for a more discreet approach.

Invisalign braces can be clicked on and off your teeth with ease, which means you can take them out when you eat and not have to worry about food particles getting stuck in them. It also makes for much easier cleaning!


As mentioned, lingual fixed braces sit at the back of your teeth, which makes them far less noticeable (though they can be difficult to get used to – and cleaning is also a challenge). Fixed braces do come in varieties that have clear parts (for instance, the brackets), but ultimately, wires and the size of the braces make them extremely noticeable.

Invisalign are clear braces, which many call ‘invisible’. It’s easy to keep them invisible, too – clean as directed, and remove for eating and drinking (except water), and others will be none the wiser!


Wire-and-bracket braces need regular adjusting to keep your teeth on track. Invisalign treatment in Stourbridge involves creating a series of aligners, that you can switch to as treatment goes on. In other words, you don’t need to visit a dental practice every time you need some alterations – you can simply pop in your next set. 

Discover fantastic benefits with Lion Dental Centre

Our dental practice carries out Invisalign treatment regularly – in fact, our Top 50 Diamond Provider, Dr Francesca Dash, has carried out over 2,000 cases! This made her the first woman in the UK to achieve Diamond status and means you’re in extremely safe – and experienced – hands for your treatment.

Book Invisalign treatment today

Whether you’re making the move from fixed braces to clear braces, or you’ve always had your heart set on Invisalign’s transformative power, you’re in the right place. Get in touch with our friendly Invisalign dentist, right here at our dental practice, near Stafford, in Stourbridge, and we’ll book you in for a consultation to decide if Invisalign is right for you.

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