24th April 2020

Tips on Teeth Cleaning

Cleaning your teeth is often the last thing on your mind. The normal times of day are after breakfast (when you’re probably rushing out of the door) and when you go to bed (when you might feel too tired to do anything but roll into bed). At Lion dental practice, here in Stourbridge, we can relate – but as dental professionals, we know the importance of good oral health and want to do all we can to encourage our patients towards forming healthy habits.

We’re also aware that there are lots of different dental treatments on offer here at our dental practice in Stourbridge – and you may wonder if you need to make any adjustments following something like Invisalign braces or dentures. We’ll go through that in this post, too.

Basic Dental Care

If you’re in a good state of oral health, that’s fantastic – but know that you have to keep it up. Here are a few quick facts:

– Having a good dental routine is a lifelong commitment, but it’s one that should pay off and hopefully prevent the need for extractions, treatments such as root canals, or replacement teeth in the future.

– Brushing and flossing (using tape, floss, or interdental brushes) is recommended twice a day. You can also use a mouthwash, but try to use this at a different time, so you don’t wash any fluoride away.

– Adults need to use toothpaste with a fluoride concentration of at least 1350-1500ppm (parts per million).

Cleaning Dental Implants

Dental implants should be cleaned and treated just like your natural teeth – and should last a lifetime if this is followed. Ensure you check your dental implants regularly, and report any changes such as bleeding, gum recession or loose fittings to your dental practice immediately.

Cleaning Dentures

Your dentures should be cleaned in a special solution – your dentist in Stourbridge will be able to advise you more about this. You’ll need to care for any remaining teeth as outlined above. If you have no remaining teeth, gently clean your gums with a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste. You can also use a washcloth if your gums are particularly sensitive.

Cleaning Braces

For removable braces, such as Invisalign braces, clean your teeth in the normal way and clean your aligners in solution – your dentist in Stourbridge can recommend the appropriate ones for you. If your braces are fixed, you will need to spend longer on your oral care routine and may need to use different brushes to get between the brushes and under the wires. A mouthwash can be a useful addition too. Again, your dentist can give you more help and advice about this.

Having Check-ups

A dental check-up is needed at least once a year to ensure you’re on track with your teeth-cleaning, to check for changes in your mouth, and to give a deeper clean where necessary. Whatever the state of your oral health, it’s important to still see a dental professional fairly regularly in order to look after your smile.

Booking in with Lion Dental

Whether you need tips for cleaning your Invisalign braces or you want to book a trip to the hygienist, our friendly team can help. Visit our contact page now to get in touch with our dental practice here in Stourbridge – we can’t wait to see you!

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