18th July 2020

Top Brace Questions: Part 2

Traditional fixed metal braces model in Stourbridge

Invisalign braces are known for being an effective (and discreet) way to get teeth straightened out. In this post, we’re answering some of the common questions we receive from patients who are interested in this treatment.

In the first part of the post here, we covered questions such as which toothbrush to try, cost of treatment and whether you can eat or drink with your aligners in. In this post, we’ll look at other popular questions, so you know exactly what to expect when you book in with our Stourbridge dental practice.

1. I currently have braces. Can I switch to Invisalign braces?

It might be possible to do this – which is why stage one of the process always involves a consultation here at our Stourbridge dental practice. Then, our dental experts can assess your smile and work out the most appropriate treatment approach for you.

If you’ve had braces in the past and find your teeth have moved since you may still be able to have Invisalign clear brace treatment. In fact, it could be a more discreet way of ensuring your smile gets back on track.

2. Will I be able to have Invisalign braces if I’ve had dental restorations?

This really depends on the work involved. It may be possible to have the treatment if you have crowns or veneers in place, but a consultation will always be advised so we can assess your smile for you. For those who have dental bridges – which essentially ‘fix’ teeth together – Invisalign clear braces aren’t advised.

3. How does Invisalign compare with other treatments?

There are a whole host of benefits to choosing Invisalign braces, from the discreet, clear aligners used to move your teeth, to the fact that the braces can be taken out, to our patients reporting a comfortable and successful treatment. We like to say that Invisalign clear braces don’t require you to change your lifestyle – no foods will be off-limits, you won’t have to change how you clean your teeth (or when), and you always have the option of temporarily removing the braces for those special occasions, like weddings or prom (note that the daily wear for Invisalign should be at least 20 hours).

If you’re still unsure about treatment, trust in the numbers. Invisalign reports that their revolutionary treatment has been used by over 8 million patients worldwide. In addition, special training is required to carry out the treatment, so our experts are fully certified.

4. I’ve heard treatment can take less than a year. Is this true?

It really depends on the individual – which is why a consultation is so important. Invisalign reports that average treatment time is anywhere from 12-18 months, but we say you can see results as they happen, as the teeth slowly move into position over time.

To get the most out of your treatment, it’s important that you wear your Invisalign braces at least 20 hours a day and care for them properly, cleaning them daily, attending regular appointments and ensuring you don’t eat or drink (except water) when wearing them.

5. How do I start my Invisalign journey?

It couldn’t be easier. To try Invisalign clear braces, get in touch with our Stourbridge dental practice today, and we’ll be in contact to book you in for that all-important first step: your suitability assessment (or consultation). You can also read more answers to common questions in our blog post here.  

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