19th May 2019

Top Tips from a Dentist on Preventing Cavities

Cavities will come for men, women, and children if the correct dental hygiene routines aren’t maintained at home. Decay occurs when we let food debris and sugar become plaque, which eats away at our tooth surfaces. When it breaks down the enamel, it eventually reaches our lower tooth surfaces and creates hollows and cavities. Preventative dental care is always the way forwards, but if you do come across cavities then we can give you some help with this too. Obviously brushing, flossing, and mouthwash can go a long way to preventing cavities and maintaining your dental health, but there are also some tips from your dentist for preventing cavities at home.

Eating high-fibre fruit and vegetables

Eating high-fibre foods helps to keep saliva flowing your mouth, creating mineral defences against tooth decay. Saliva is a natural cleanser for your mouth because it contains minerals that wash and strengthen your teeth. It also helps to rebalance your mouth’s pH levels to stop bacteria from incubating on your tooth surfaces. By lessening the mouth’s acids levels, you lessen your chances of developing cavities. It can also positively affect your teeth’s whiteness too, because it lubricates tooth surfaces and dissuades pigments from clinging to the surfaces. High-fibre fruit and vegetables to incorporate into your diet could be bananas, apples, brussel sprouts, and peanuts. These are some lifestyle tips your dentist might give you to help prevent cavities at home.

Eating enough calcium

Calcium is probably one of the most well-known contributors to strong bones and strong teeth, and with good reason. Whether young or old, calcium plays a huge part in making sure your teeth don’t develop cavities and your jawbone remains strong. Dairy products like milk and cheese are key calcium sources, with even low-fat products boasting healthy calcium levels. Also, cheese helps to lower your mouth’s pH levels and neutralise any acid, saving your enamel from being eaten away at. Milk, yoghurt, broccoli, and almonds are great sources of calcium, though your dentist wants to assure you these should never replace your dental hygiene routines.

Experiment with oil pulling

Oil pulling originated in traditional Indian medicinal culture and was advised by these dentists to disinfect the mouth and brighten teeth. Oil pulling involves rinsing and swilling The oil is “pulled” between the teeth and all around the mouth for up to 20 minutes with coconut or sesame oil, though coconut oil is most widely used today because of its health benefits. It’s debated amongst the modern scientific and dental community whether it actually works or not, but it is thought to reduce the amount of plaque and bacteria in the mouth to the same extent as mouthwash. If oil pulling really does reduce plaque, then this might be fun to try at home. Again, though, your dentist wants to advise against swapping out your normal teeth cleaning habits for this – just try adding it in rather than replacing actual toothbrushing.

Preventing cavities at the dentist

Preventing cavities can be helped with lifestyle changes and at-home care, but you should also regularly visit your dentist and dental hygienist. We can help you manage changes in your teeth, perform professional cleanings, and treat any cavities that do manage to form. Your dentist can also advise on your at-home hygiene routines and advise on professional products to maintain the best health possible for your teeth. Book your dentist appointment with us at Lion Dental Centre today on 01384 376336 for a check-up.

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