7th December 2020

What Are Implant Supported Bridges?

Patient at Lion Dental in Stourbridge with Straight White Smile

When it comes to dental implants, there’s really no one-size-fits-all approach. It depends on whether you’re missing one tooth, many teeth, or all of your teeth. In this post, our dentists here in Stourbridge break down the different types of bridges and different types of dental implant, so you can be sure you’re making the right choice for you. 

What types of tooth implants are there?

Typically, an individual missing tooth is replaced by a single dental implant, several missing teeth involve implant-supported bridges, and all missing teeth (whether every tooth in the mouth or the complete upper or complete lower set) benefit from implant-retained dentures. 

What is an implant made of?

They’re artificial teeth composed of a titanium root and a porcelain crown. The root is inserted first, then when healed, the dentist attaches the crown over the top. They look like real teeth and help retain your bite and chew function, and with the right care, could last the rest of your life. 

When would I need an implant-supported bridge?

Dentists recommend these for patients with several missing teeth in a row. They involve supporting one or more crown(s) on at least two anchor points, essentially two titanium roots in the mouth. However, there are cases where more anchor points are required. 

What other types of dental bridges are there?

If you’re looking for an alternative to implant-supported bridges, there are a few options available. However, it’s unlikely that any of these options will last as long as an implant-supported bridge since this is the only type of bridge that is permanently fixed with a titanium root. There is also uncertainty as to whether other bridges help correct bone loss in the jaw. Below are common types of dental bridges:

A traditional dental bridge – this type of bridge is where one or several false teeth are anchored by an existing tooth at each end. These anchoring teeth are prepared (filed) so that the prostheses can cap over the top. There is also a type of traditional dental bridge called a cantilever bridge, which is where there is only one tooth used to anchor it in place.

Maryland bridge – these involve one false tooth supported by a metal ‘wing’ on either side, which is bonded to the adjacent teeth. Maryland bridges are an option for those who don’t want to prepare (file) the surrounding teeth in order to secure it, and can be kinder on the gums than other methods. However, they can only replace a single missing tooth, the metal wings can make the teeth appear darker and they may need to be re-bonded in the future. 

How do I book the treatment?

Contact our expert dentists today at our clinic in Stourbridge, near Stafford, or simply book online.

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