1st April 2023

What Are The Different Types of Braces?

a woman after a consultation at Lion Dental

Braces are a brilliant way to straighten your smile. Here at Lion Dental Practice in Stourbridge, our top dentists can achieve fantastic results with our leading orthodontic treatments. If you’ve been wondering about which braces to try and what their benefits are, then read on – our Stourbridge team will explain more in today’s post.

What are the different types of braces?

There are essentially two main types of adult brace: fixed and removable Invisalign braces. Fixed vary from the traditional ‘train track’ metal wires and brackets to behind-the-teeth lingual braces and more advanced fitted that slide to adjust and come with clear or tooth-coloured parts. Removable adult braces are ones made from durable acrylic, which fit snugly onto the teeth.

How do removable adult braces work?

Removable braces, like Invisalign, are custom-made for your smile. They are designed to adjust the teeth incrementally, which makes them much more comfortable to wear. However, you won’t just wear one set of these braces. You’ll have a series of them which you swap out every few weeks. Our Stourbridge dentists can advise you on when to do this.

What are the pros and cons of fixed braces?

Fixed braces can be a more budget-friendly option for your smile, and your Stourbridge dentist will fit, adjust and remove them for you. However, they can be more visible on your smile – even those with clear and tooth-coloured parts. They can also be tricky to clean around. Finally, you won’t have a clear picture of what your results could look like.

What are the pros and cons of removable braces?

First and foremost, they are clear braces – so much less noticeable on your smile. Secondly, they are easy to keep clean, as you can just take them out when you want to eat and use your toothbrush and denture cleaner when needed. Treatment with brands like Invisalign can also plot the movements your teeth need to make over time, so you can see 3D impressions of what your teeth look like now, how they’ll change during treatment and how they’ll look at the end. However, these clear aligners can be more costly.

Which is the best option for my smile?

That’s where our Invisalign dentists come in. Here in Stourbridge, we can carry out every element of your treatment, from initial scans of your teeth through to 3D impressions and all the checks, support and advice you need. It all started through a personal Invisalign consultation at our dental practice.

How do I begin my treatment?

Just give our Stourbridge experts a call and we will arrange your very own Invisalign consultation. It really couldn’t be easier – and we know you’ll love your results! Get in touch and get started today.

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