26th July 2021

Why Is It Important To Replace Missing Teeth?

As a leading dental practice in Stourbridge, missing teeth are just one area we specialise in. Today, we’ll look at the causes of missing teeth, options for replacing them, and reasons you may want to consider a dental restoration.

A woman experiencing missing teeth pain holding a cold compress to her cheek

So, why replace my teeth?

1. Your teeth may spread apart or drift in the mouth

this could cause gaps in the smile (where food and bacteria could collect, and contribute to tooth decay) and also affect the stability of your bite (this may lead to future orthodontic treatment).

2. Secondly, your teeth support some of the structures around the mouth

With missing teeth comes sagging skin, adding years to your age and creating a drooping or puckered appearance.

3. Next, bite and chew function can be affected

As missing teeth can lead to receding gums and bone loss, this could actually cause you to lose more teeth in the long run.

4. Let’s not forget your confidence

Gaps in your smile – especially caused by missing teeth – can affect your self-esteem and may even cause discomfort or irritation. Luckily, our Stourbridge dental practice can help with all these problems, and with missing teeth in general.

What’s the best treatment for missing teeth?

Dental implants are a leading solution for tooth loss. That’s because they’re:

  • Realistic – crafted to resemble your natural teeth in shape, size and colour
  • Durable – made from metal and porcelain, to strongly anchor your new tooth
  • Lasting – can last a lifetime with proper oral care and regular check-ups
  • Versatile – options available for one, several, or all missing teeth
  • Successful – 90-95% of dental implant cases are successful

These are just some of the benefits of dental implants; don’t forget that the biggest ones are a boost to your confidence and the restoration of your bite and chew functions.

How do I prevent missing teeth?

It’s easier than it seems. Good oral care goes a long way (this means brushing and flossing twice a day, two minutes at a time), while regular dental check-ups can sometimes spot problems before they develop.

What else do I need to know?

We’ve been a family dental practice here in Stourbridge for years, often treating generations of the same family. We treat every one of our patients how we’d like to be treated, and place great emphasis on clinical excellence and treatment range.

How do I book?

Call, book online or email to book a consultation for dental implants in Stourbridge or any other treatment for that matter.

Get your dental implants in Stourbridge today
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