2nd June 2019

Why Choose Our Dental Practice in Stourbridge?

Lion Dental Centre is your reliable dental practice in Stourbridge, so reliable in fact that we offer many different kinds of support and treatments. We provide treatments for nervous patients, children, and even specialist care for gums.

Lion dental centre in stourbridge

Nervous patients

Our dental practice makes special efforts to welcome nervous patients, as we understand that not everyone has been lucky enough to have positive experiences with the dentist. As empathetic dentists, we encourage nervous patients to talk to us openly about how they’re feeling and what their worries are. We can answer any questions you may have, and any query is encouraged, even if you think it is minor or embarrassing. We’d also like to encourage you to bring along a friend of family member to your appointments so you can see a familiar face whilst we discuss your treatments. If you do require treatment, we’ll establish a ‘stop’ signal with you so that if you’d like to take a break at any time, all you have to do is signal us.

Children’s Dentistry

As a family-friendly dental practice, we welcome children of any age. It’s always a good idea to bring your children along to your own dentist appointments so you can help show them that the dentist is not only beneficial and necessary but also nothing to be afraid of. We’d hope you’re also making appointments for your children, and we’d like to see them before they turn 3 years old. We encourage good dental health habits with fun take-home treats like stickers and balloons so your little ones can also leave our dental practice smiling!

Specialist gum care

For more complex or severe cases of gum diseases, you may need a more thorough cleaning that our dental hygienists can provide. This is why our dental practice works very closely with leading Periodontal Specialist, Dr. Mario Veltri, who provides intense cleaning treatments. During these treatments, a fine scaler tip is used to remove the bacteria that is found deep in the gum and along the roots of the teeth. Because of the intensity of this treatment, it takes longer than a regular dental hygienist appointment, but it is completely transformative for severe cases of gum disease.

Dental practice in Stourbridge

If you’re seeking a friendly, professional, and approachable dental practice then Lion Dental Centre is for you. We put our patient’s comfort first and strongly believe in preserving the dental health of all who seek us. We would always rather save a tooth than completely replace it, so if you’re experiencing tooth discomfort or are simply due a routine appointment then contact us today at 01384 376336.

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